It's Sotharin Chhun!!
Sotharin is originally from Pennsylvania, but relocated to Michigan 4 years ago.
She is a freelance markup artist and enjoys doing makeup for weddings and for photoshoots. Her family owns salons so she's always been around beauty, make-up and fashion. Sotharin pays special attention to the beauty and fashion brands that she supports and promotes, first and foremost, she must believe in the products and they must align with her style.
Family is her everything. She has a daughter (9) and step daughter (7) who she often includes with her fashion fun and online social presence.
She loves oversized and aviator sunglasses, but as an ambassador has multiple pairs to accessorize her outfits.
To first meet Sotharin, you may think she's fierce and confident, but get to know her and you'll find that behind this she can be shy (and a bit self conscious). Prioritizing her health, Sotharin has lost 100 pounds, but continues to work on her personal growth and doesn't let anything hold her back!
Find Southern on Facebook and Instagram for an authentic and genuine experience.